Friday, January 31, 2014

As The World Turns

Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because
he could do only a little.
Edmund Burke
While we set in our comfy living rooms enjoying our big screen TV, the world turns. As we complain about not having enough, the world turns. As we drop our children off at their schools, the world turns. It's time that we stop the world for a second and thank God for what we have and the opportunity to worship Him without going underground.  

Did you send your child of 4yrs old out to clean houses, to clean up human waste or slavery so you could put food on the table?  Did you sell your oldest child to pay off a debt, that you had to pay or be killed?  Is your child on the streets begging for coins to buy one meal for the day?  The world turns!

Children are being left on trains by their parents because they can't feed them, hoping that someone would take them to be helped. Women are taking their children to the market where they sell vegetables, fish,and material things. Also trying to sell their children for whatever they can get, in hopes that their other children will have food and shelter for the rest of their lives. And still The world turns!

"No Longer A Slumdog" talks about all these thing and still in the United States of America (under God) The world turns. I know we have some of this going on right here in the US but we can work to pull ourselves out of poverty. In some places if you are born into poverty you must stay in that place. You are perceived as unclean and you will contaminate others if you touch them or drink from the same water station. Millions are trapped in there life, stuck in the mindset that things can't and will not change.

Just think where your family would be now if you go back in time to where your great, great, great grandparents were classified. They were very poor, living in the woods, building a fire to stay warm, killing animals for dinner, laying on the ground to sleep. If I lived in India I would be in that class to this day. Nothing has changed but The world turns!

                        The biggest disease today is not leprosy or tuberculosis,
but rather the feeling of being unwanted.
                                             Mother Teresa

While reading this book I have come to realize that all I have has come from God. He owns everything and if He takes it, I must be thankful for the time I had it. I also must be willing to open my home and heart to those in need.  Look around you and decide what you can do without. God hasn't ask you to do it yet but He might. Also take time to look at people-in the eyes.  Do you see loneliness? What can you do? I'm only one person! Guess what, so are they. 

                    The first question that the priest...and the Levite asked was:"If I stop to help this,
                    man what will happen to me?" But the Good Samaritan ... reversed the question:
                    "If I do not stop to help this man, what will happen to him"?
                                           Martin Luther King, Jr.


I want everyone to understand this is not a blog about Trades of Hope, but a blog about helping others in this world of ours that is turning so fast that we never stop to say a pleasant word to someone in pain or in need. I'm am grateful that I found Trades of Hope to help me be a voice for the women around the world who have no one to speak for them.  There are wonderful groups that are doing missionary work, sending money to missionaries, praying for others, helping right in your community. I praise God for all of you and I hope to connect with you in some way during my life time.

I'm excited to be going to Haiti in May to learn more about what I can do to make a difference. So please add myself and the wonderful ladies that are going on this trip to your prayer list.

I will leave you with this bible verse. "I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.  Matt 25:40  but the opposite is also true:  "Whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me." Matt 25:45
                            AND THE WORLD TURNS!

*No Longer A Slumdog- Bringing Hope to Children in Crisis
K.P. Yohannan